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Still have questions?

The following people at Dane County Property Listing can help: Troy Everson: 608-261-9750

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We just bought a brand new lot this year, but the tax bill came in the previous owner’s name. Why hasn’t this information been updated on AccessDane?

When new lots, or parcels are created during the year, new parcel numbers are assigned. ...

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I was married recently. Why hasn’t my name been changed on AccessDane?

If you haven’t recorded any document to transfer the title to your property since your...

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My spouse has passed away, but the assessment notice and tax bill still shows the name. How can I get their name removed?

It depends on how the title to the property was held. If the property was held in joint tenancy or...

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My spouse and I have divorced. Why does his/her name still appear on AccessDane?

Similar to the first answer, our office is required to list the owners of real estate according to...

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The name on AccessDane is incorrect. Can you change this?

Our office is required to list the owners of real estate according to the recorded documents in the...

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I don't believe my property tax assessment is correct. Can you change it?

The Dane County Property Listing Office office is required to maintain the values established by...

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How can I see Dane County's listing of my property?

AccessDane has a website that will help you.  AccessDane website

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How do I claim a WI farmland preservation credit?

We recommend you contact the Wisconsin Department of Revenue. Their Farmland Credit...

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