Town Treasurer
Kim Sime
1192 Starr School Rd, Stoughton, WI 53589
Phone: 608-873-8781
Many residents apply for dog licenses when mailing their property tax payment. If the rabies vaccination is current, this works well. Please send a separate check for dog licenses.
Please send in the following items to Kim Sime at the address above:
- The completed application card. Request by email: or call 608-873-8781.
- A rabies vaccination certificate from a veterinarian within the past 3 years.
- A separate check.
- Male or Female dog is $30.00
- Neutered/Spayed dog is $20.00
- Kennel of 12 or fewer dogs $100.00
- $10.00 per dog in excess of the 12 in a kennel
If you are applying for a kennel license, please include your conditional use permit number, which allows a kennel operation. Without this permit, you must pay individually for each dog.
- A stamped, self-addressed envelope.